
Examples Of Rebellion In Antigone

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Examples Of Rebellion In Antigone
In the play, Antigone by Sophocles Antigone is a rebel against society because she went against Creon, the king of Thebes to bury her brother. Antigone breaks Creon’s law because she believed it was unfair that her brother Eteocles was buried with full military honors and Polyneices wasn’t. So she went on a mission to bury Polyneices even though she knew her actions would come with serious consequences. Then when she was finally able to bury her brother she was captured by the sentry and brought to the king. When she stood before him she said, “This death of mine Is of no importance; but if I had left my brother. Lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not”(Line 369-371). To Antigone was just a small price to pay to make sure

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