Stand out quotes of Antigone
1. “If you think what I’m doing now is stupid, perhaps I’m being charged with foolishness by someone who’s a fool” (Sophocles469)
This quote is very impressive. At this point in the play Antigone has been caught breaking the laws Creon has set forth by burring her own brother. When confronted with these charges she does not deny committing them, nor does she deny her knowledge of these laws. She flat out tells Creon that she is doing what is right and if he begs to differ than he is the fool and not herself. This impresses me because she is having the bravery to say to the king that he is foolish. I relate to this quote because in my own life I’ve had situations where I was confronted by authority figures who felt I was wrong and called me out for it when in fact I knew what I was doing was right. In situations like this I, like Antigone, would call out the true fools and tell them the error of their ways. Sometimes I did prove my point and was forgiven for my actions, other times I was not listened to and therefore condemned for my own “foolishness” for trying to argue an unarguable point.
2. “So leave me and my foolishness alone— we’ll get through this fearful thing. I won’t suffer anything as bad as a disgraceful death.”(Sophocles97) This line is the first of the book to show the true Antigone. Here Ismene is trying to convince Antigone that what she is doing is foolish and will end in her own demise. With this Antigone bluntly tells her sister that she does not care what she thinks and that she knows she is right. She says that even if she dies for sticking up for her beliefs, it is better than to die disgracefully by not standing up for your own values. This part is exceptionally meaningful to me, and all others with religious morals. Many times I have experiences, and seen others experience ridicule and harsh