The presenting problem in this community is all the hardships that juvenile delinquents have to go through after being put through the juvenile system, and kids who are trying to get back on their feet keep hitting road blocks because of their past. Many kids fall behind when it comes to education and these kids not having equal education opportunities will cause the recidivism rate to rise. So the underlying question that needs to be asked is why are the recidivism rates for juvenile delinquency so high?
One big aspect of recidivism would be the education system when it comes to children that act out in school. Instead of trying to help them and give them the sources to not “act out” in school they end up …show more content…
A prime example of this would be suspending kids from school over little things such as skipping class or being disruptive in a class setting and this all began because of the zero tolerance policies that were put into all educational systems. This policy consists of becoming more stricter in schools and having kids get punished badly over little offenses which have be found to increase the dropout rates for juveniles. Some are also being arrested for minor offenses in schools which are giving a lee way to the criminal justice system. They tried to implement this policy because of the broken windows theory in which people believed that if you’re stricter then people would feel safe but it backfired and kids started getting suspended over little …show more content…
I say this because many kids who are arrested and come out have no motivation to do better, because of the lack of programs there are to stop kids from staying in the system. A lot of these kids have little to none motivation because they feel as if they are going to end up right back in jail because that’s all they see. So they go back out on the streets and do what they know to do best. Because they don’t have the right guidance or a person to look up to, that would show them that life is more than just living in a tight room with four walls.
Overall this process will be repetitive pertaining to juvenile delinquency is going unless we are able to completely get rid of the school to prison pipeline. Because education is the key and many kids are known to try to stay in school to stay out of trouble. But now they are getting started on the criminal justice system while they are in the school and if you can’t get rid of this then it will be a never ending