Early Prevention and Intervention
Juvenile Delinquents
There are many issues that face the criminal justice system in our society today. However, one of the most overlooked issues that face our criminal justice system today has to do with juvenile delinquency and the growing problem that our society is faced with in this area. My final capstone project is going to discuss this issue of juvenile delinquency and what ideas I have to better improve this issue. My paper will take an in-depth look into many areas that I feel are needed to be discussed in order to better figure out a solution to this issue. One of the main topics will be my focus on the possible link that has been seen between early criminal …show more content…
I will also focus on the topic that I feel is very important when discussing this issues which is a thorough look into why children that have parents with criminal issues are at a high risk of becoming criminals themselves. Their are of course many other topics that apply to this issue that I will discuss and this will all eventually lead to solutions that are being applied to this problem and also strategies and solutions that I will devise on my own. But first let’s look at juvenile delinquency on its own as the main issue that faces our criminal justice system. The term juvenile delinquency refers to the antisocial or criminal activity of the child below 18 years of age and which violates the law. “Juvenile Delinquency is the broad-based term given to juveniles who commit crimes. …show more content…
“This is probably one of the biggest factors that we see that leads to a juvenile becoming a delinquent and criminal.” “With no role model, and no one to really look up to, these kids unfortunately fall prey to a life of delinquency and crime.” I asked her how she felt about a child that witnesses criminal and abusive behavior from their parents and how this would impact them down the road. She told me this is one of the biggest factors when a child goes on to become delinquent. “When a child see’s this type of behavior, they see it as acceptable and that is how they respond, in the same manor.” I asked her if she felt this was the same reason why we see a substantial link between children who have parents involved in crime and they themselves becoming criminals and delinquents. “Absolutely, it goes along the same lines as what I just described above, children who see this behavior see it as acceptable and become a product of their environment.” My final question for her was if she felt their was anything that could be done to improve the recidivism rate and try and keep juvenile delinquents from making the same mistakes. She told me that more support was needed after a juvenile is released from correctional facilities. “Juveniles with no support on the outside fall right back