The subjugation of blacks is arguably one of the most shameful actions that took place in
American history. Slavery was used for financial gain and those who were enslaved were treated horribly. The literature of the time demonstrates the mindset of early American society that those with dark skin are lesser individuals. Even factual references used derogatory language towards blacks and degraded them. Many writers explained their thoughts against racism through the stories they wrote. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a good example of such a piece of literature. The novel follows Huck, a white boy, and his friendship with Jim, a runaway slave, as they travel down the Mississippi River. Within the story, Huck discovers the …show more content…
humanity that is inherent in all people, not just those of his own race.
The bigotry of society clouds Huck’s perspective of Jim and although Huck eventually recognizes Jim as a fellow human being, he doesn’t ultimately acknowledge the abomination that is slavery.
The novel begins with Huck’s explanation of his circumstances. Huck lives in a world heavily influenced by the ideology of southern, slaveowning, Christians. These values are exemplified by Ms. Watson and Widow Douglas who force Huck to adhere to strict rules.
Widow Douglas even goes as far as to force Huck to read the Bible in order to show Huck proper morality. The culture of the south was very influential in the development of Huck’s social awareness. In Huck’s introduction of Jim, he very casually explains that Jim is "Miss Watson 's big nigger, named Jim" (Twain 5). Huck believes Jim to be a simple asset of Ms. Watson’s and uses derogatory language to make that assertion. Huck also acknowledges Jim as a “nigger” first and as “Jim” second. To Huck, Jim’s name is secondary to the fact that he is black. The
indifference and ease with which Huck speaks that sentence is a clear indication that the …show more content…
culture he lives in has impacted his views on blacks immensely. What is considered racism today is considered normal and appropriate for Huck. He demonstrates his mentality again later in the book. At one point, Huck argues with Jim over a minor issue. Huck eventually gives up trying to prove his point and simply thinks to himself, “I see it warn 't no use wasting wordsyou can 't learn a nigger to argue” (75).
Huck’s point here is that its useless to try and argue with a black person. He doesn’t attribute Jim’s inability to formulate an argument to his intellect but to his skin color and excuses him for it. Once again, Huck classifies Jim on his skin color. To Huck,
Jim is someone to toy with, easy prey for practical jokes and silly arguments. Jim isn’t treated by
Huck as an adult, he’s treated as though he were inferior. As the novel progresses, Jim changes as a character, but not in a traditional sense. Because the story is portrayed through Huck’s mind, the reader doesn’t fully gain an understanding of Jim’s true character until Huck begins to acknowledge Jim as a person. Huck’s acknowledgement is a slow process, hastened by each event that occurs on the river. Each obstacle overcome solidifies their mutual friendship and widens the lens through which the reader sees Jim. Initially, Huck defines Jim by his race, disregarding his actions and ignoring his true character, yet throughout the book and as Huck is forced to cooperate more and more with Jim, Huck begins to see through the racism of his culture and recognizes Jim to be a genuine
Huck’s gradual change in heart slowly becomes apparent through his actions in assisting
Jim. Following the intense shootout as a result of a feud between the Grangerfords and the
Shepherdsons, Huck escapes to the river where Jim is waiting for him, ready to leave on the raft.
Jim is visibly anxious and nervous for Huck and once Huck arrives, Jim tells Huck, "Laws bless
you, chile, I 'uz right down sho ' you 's dead agin...Lawsy I 's mighty glad to git you back agin, honey" (Twain 107). Jim obviously cares for Huck greatly and talks to Huck in a paternal fashion, using the word “child”. Jim takes Huck’s danger to heart and exhibits true concern.
Huck’s response doesn’t outwardly reciprocate the feeling. Huck very flatly tells Jim, "All rightthat 's mighty good; they won 't find me, and they 'll think I 've been killed, and floated down the river...don 't lose no time, Jim, but just shove off for the big water" (107). Huck speaks very logically and without emotion, in order to secure their safety. His actions are very instinctual and without emotional outpour. Huck simply doesn’t show very much emotion towards others, mostly expressing his emotions through his thoughts. To other characters in the book, Huck’s concern only becomes apparent through the great lengths he takes to make sure Jim is safe.
Although Huck outwardly appears to support Jim throughout the majority of the book, internally Huck has difficulty shaking the influences of racism. He wrestles with the thought of turning Jim in several times during the book and comes very close to divulging Jim’s true status as a runaway slave. Mostly, his motivation to do so comes from Mrs. Watson. Huck feels guilty for his betrayal of her trust through his assistance of Jim’s escape. Huck thinks to himself, "What had poor Miss Watson done to you, that you could see her nigger go off right under your eyes...she tried to be good to you in every way she knowed how. That 's what she done" (Twain
82). Huck never expresses this internal conflict to Jim and decides to turn him in. But, as Jim continues talking, saying ”I couldn 't ever ben free ef it hadn ' ben for 's de bes ' fren '
Jim 's ever had; en you 's de only fren ' ole Jim 's got now” (83), Huck feels guilt from yet another source. After Jim expresses his gratitude for Huck, Huck solidifies his decision to continue to assist Jim. Now he must consider the fact that there are negative effects regardless of his actions.
Huck comes very close to reverting all the progress he’s made in acknowledging Jim as a fellow human being, but ultimately does the right thing even in the face of legal issues and severe penalties. The problem is that Huck continues to battle an internal conflict while presenting a polar opposite appearance to Jim.
Huck continues his internal struggle in the events that occur on the Phelp’s farm. Huck must make a decision over whether or not to save Jim from the farm. Again, Huck feels the same guilt over his predicament between Jim and Mrs. Watson. After deliberation, Huck once again decides to assist Jim and declares, “All right, then, I 'll go to was awful thoughts, and awful words, but they was said” (Twain 195). This declaration is important for Huck’s character.
Hell is a concept taught to him by Mrs. Watson, yet here he’s officially rejected it in favor for
Jim. It symbolizes his rejection of a large portion of his ideologies up until that point. And although he no longer cares for the morality of his previous self, he still hasn’t once recognized the machine behind his entire predicament. Not once in the novel does he declare slavery to be a morally wrong thing. He’s taken great strides to see through racism and see Jim as a human being but he is still blinded by a great deal of his prior mentality.
Huck may have freed Jim from the constraints of slavery, yet he hasn’t escaped from its mentality. Huck starts as a typical, southern, young man who acts in a rude and often in a way to suggest superiority towards Jim. Gradually, Huck begins to see Jim’s humanity, but is now faced with an internal struggle between Jim and Mrs. Watson. At the end of the novel, Huck has rejected racism yet fails to see the severity of slavery. Ultimately, Twain has written a novel not about a boy who rejects slavery, but of a boy who rejects racism.
Works Cited
Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Random House, 1996. Print.