
Examples Of Virtues In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird: A Mockingbird’s Virtue
In To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, several characters reveal the qualities of being a good person. Mockingbirds symbolize those who possess virtue: they do not cause unhappiness to people but rather they empathize with and help people selflessly in moderation. Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson display the virtues of a good person when they acquaint themselves as mockingbirds in Maycomb. Atticus Finch is one of the ‘mockingbirds’ due to his strong sense of morality, respect, and willingness to help people over his own convenience. Atticus’s ability to empathize with others is clear when Jem and Scout intrude into Boo Radley’s confinement out of curiosity. He reasons that “what
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The people in Maycomb have their thoughts about Boo Radley cemented in their minds that he is perilous and should be distanced from. However, Boo Radley bears a kind heart and proves it when he “‘put a blanket around [Scout]’” (Lee 96). Jem and Scout were entangled in the chaos of the neighborhood when Ms. Maudie’s house caught on fire, and at that point everybody was too preoccupied to look after them. Boo realized that Scout must be cold, and draped a blanket of his over her. He did this in such a stealthily manner that Scout wondered how she got it, until Atticus points it out. As it turns out, this is Boo’s humble way of doing good deeds, as he didn’t want to be recognized or thanked. Similarly, a situation happened when Jem was in a hurry and left his pants in Boo’s yard, and by the time he came back for them, Boo “‘folded [Jem’s pants] across the fence… [and] sewed [them] up’” (Lee 78), even though Jem and Scout trespassed his property to spy on him. Jem was perplexed about who did this, as Boo yet again did not acknowledge his good doing. Later on, the truth comes out about who saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell’s misdeed. Boo Radley saw that Bob Ewell was hurting the children, and quickly stepped in. He stabbed Bob Ewell for defense, and quickly brought Jem and Scout to safety. His shy ways cease to show his virtue to society, which is a predilection of his own. Mr. Tate realizes this and declares what he believes is the right thing to

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