In this article they also interviewed white Americans about how they felt about “white privileged “ and most of them said that it was unfair and disrespectful that they are treated differently and have a pass in life because they are white. They also said that it should not even exist in the world and everyone should be treated with respect and equality no matter the shade of there skin. On the other side people may argue that there is no such thing as a white privileged and we just make it up to have an excuse to complain about something. People also say that if you believe in this than you are racist and are discriminating white people, in the article it says that white Americans don't have a white privilege if anything they are treated the worst because every race hates white people because of things that have happened in the past. In conclusion, here's how , ‘How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved “ and will always have a privilege in the world when you are a white American. Being any color but white is anything but a walk in a park and no it's not racist to think that white privilege is a thing because everyone has been through a type of situation and seen where it has taken
In this article they also interviewed white Americans about how they felt about “white privileged “ and most of them said that it was unfair and disrespectful that they are treated differently and have a pass in life because they are white. They also said that it should not even exist in the world and everyone should be treated with respect and equality no matter the shade of there skin. On the other side people may argue that there is no such thing as a white privileged and we just make it up to have an excuse to complain about something. People also say that if you believe in this than you are racist and are discriminating white people, in the article it says that white Americans don't have a white privilege if anything they are treated the worst because every race hates white people because of things that have happened in the past. In conclusion, here's how , ‘How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved “ and will always have a privilege in the world when you are a white American. Being any color but white is anything but a walk in a park and no it's not racist to think that white privilege is a thing because everyone has been through a type of situation and seen where it has taken