Culminating Project:
Exchange Rate VS Export Amount
by: Ellen Zhang
The Relationship between the Exchange Rate and the Export Amount in Canada
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Ellen Zhang
Ms. Provisionnato
Date: December 20th, 2012
Table of Contents
One Variable Analysis------------------------------------------------------6
Exchange Rate---------------------------------------------------------6
Export Amount-------------------------------------------------------11
Two Variable Analysis------------------------------------------------------17
Venn Diagram----------------------------------------------------------------24
Work Cited---------------------------------------------------------------------27
• Question
Is there any relationship between the exchange rate of a country and their export amount?
• Reason of Choosing Topic
The reason that I chose this topic to investigate is I take the course Grade 12 Current Economic Issues Analysis now, and I learn according to the change of the exchange rate of a nation, it will have an influence called export and import effect. But my teacher just mentioned it; he didn’t teach us deeper knowledge of these things. And I have a great interest and curiosity of this topic. Also, I want to attend the economic program in the university. This may help me and related well in my future study.
• Background/History
With the victory of the World War Two, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations were gathered at the Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, by the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. During the meeting, they set up a