Exchange rate forecasting and speculation are both closely related to the issues of the efficiency of foreign exchange markets. For example, if speculators can profit from forecasting exchange rates markets cannot be efficient. By efficiency we mean here the effective use of all relevant information by people buying and selling foreign exchange. After explaining the vehicles of foreign exchange speculation, the evidence on market efficiency is examined. Then it turns to the record on forecasting exchange-rate, including a comparison of chartist versus fundamental forecasting techniques. The record of chartists and fundamentalists is back to market efficiency, specifically to the ability to earn from speculation using simple trading rules. It should be mentioned at the outset that opinions differ widely on the topics discussed and by no means do all finance researchers agree that
Exchange rate forecasting and speculation are both closely related to the issues of the efficiency of foreign exchange markets. For example, if speculators can profit from forecasting exchange rates markets cannot be efficient. By efficiency we mean here the effective use of all relevant information by people buying and selling foreign exchange. After explaining the vehicles of foreign exchange speculation, the evidence on market efficiency is examined. Then it turns to the record on forecasting exchange-rate, including a comparison of chartist versus fundamental forecasting techniques. The record of chartists and fundamentalists is back to market efficiency, specifically to the ability to earn from speculation using simple trading rules. It should be mentioned at the outset that opinions differ widely on the topics discussed and by no means do all finance researchers agree that