
Exclusion Criteria for Childcare and Childminding Settings

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Exclusion Criteria for Childcare and Childminding Settings
Exclusion Criteria for Childcare and Childminding settings recommended time to be kept away from daycare and childminding
Main points • Any child who is unwell should not attend, regardless of whether they have a confirmed infection. • Children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be excluded until they have had no symptoms for 48 hours after an episode of diarrhoea and/or vomiting. • Coughs and runny noses alone need not be a reason for exclusion but if the child is unwell they should not attend. • Skin rashes should be professionally diagnosed and a child should only be excluded following appropriate advice. • Certain individuals exposed to an infection, for example an immunocompromised child who is taking long term steroid treatment or has cancer, may require specific advice from their GP. • Children should only be excluded when there is good reason. If in doubt contact a member of the Health Protection Team (HPT). • If an outbreak of infection is suspected the local Health Protection Team should be contacted. Infection/Virus Exclusion period Further information can be found in Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Day Care and childminding settings) aspx?id=47103 Information on current immunisation schedule for children can be found at http://www.

If you have any questions please contact your local Health Protection Team (HPT) Name: ................................................................................................................................................... Telephone Number: ...........................................................................................................................


DIarrhoEa anD VomItIng IllnEss
Exclude until 48 hours after the diarrhoea and/or vomiting has stopped. Depending on the specific infection, exclusion may apply to: • young children; • those who

References: Guidance on Infection Control in School and other Child Care Settings Poster, HPA, April 2010. Definition of diarrhoea December 2011

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