1.1 Outline the current legislation covering home-based childcare and the role of regulatory bodies.
There are numerous laws, rules and regulations relating to children and young people in the UK and they there are all important. The currents legislation for Home based childcare is Every Child Matter.
AS a Home-based childcare provider I must ensure that the current legislations are carried out and practiced according to the relevant governing bodies. I will commit to and continue to keep parents and carers updated on the currents laws,rules and regulations.
These are the ones I have choosed for this task: Family Law Act (1996) safeguarding children: This Act sets out guidance relating to safeguarding children. Safeguarding the children in my care it will be my first priority and it will be vital as I will have a duty and responsibility of care towards them.
Public Health (Control of Disease) Act (1994) Covers the notification and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases. I will notify parents and carers of any infectious illness and diseases in my sittings as soon as I am aware off and I will apply any regulations of exclusion for a period of time into my sittings.
The Childcare Act of 2006
This act introduced the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) in England, Sets national standards for care and learning.
I will ensure that this act is implement in my sitting by using the four themes of the EYFS:
A unique child + Positive Relationships+ Enabling Environments = Learning and Development.
Data Protection Act 1998
This act prevents confidential and personal information being passed on without a person’s consent, in the case of children the consent must be given by the parents.
I willt ensure that any personal paperwork concerning any child/ren in my care is locked in a safe or cupboard out of public viewing. Storing the children’s personal information on the