1) Therapeutic communities childcare: this is an approach that meets both the the physical and emotional needs of the service users. Social pedagogy: this is the approach where the carers/ parents/ government work with the child in order to care for them the child is in charge of his or her own life and the people looking after that child are just there for the care side. Life Space: this involves the conscious use of everyday events to promote the growth, development and learning of children and young people.
2) There relevant legal and rights framework that underpins work with children and young people in residential care has been streamlined into three different parts, there is The Children's Homes regulations 2001 (amended) and the Volume 5: Children's Homes 2011 - Statutory Guidance on Children's Homes Regulations 2001 (amended) as well as the National minimum standards for Children's homes. The Children's Homes regulations 2001 (amended) makes provision about the way in which children's homes are run and ensure that they are managed in a safe reliable and stable way. This is important because the consistency of the staff and the way the house is run is vital for the development and well being of the children and young people. Volume 5: Children's Homes 2011 - Statutory Guidance on Children's Homes Regulations 2001 (amended) is a guideline to ensure that local authorities working with child care home providers follow the requirements set out so that they can provide consistent and good quality care. National minimum standards for Children's homes states that “It is intended that the standards will be used, both by providers, and by Ofsted, to focus on securing positive welfare, health and education outcomes for children. All providers and staff of children’s homes should aim to provide the best care possible for the children for whom they are responsible, and observing the standards is an essential part, but only a part, of