During the first two weeks of this criminal justice course, this class has discussed the structure of the criminal justice system and also has reviewed the models that comprise the criminal justice system. In this paper I will examine the aspects of criminal law. I will describe the purposes of criminal law, which will entail the two main functions of criminal law, and will address how criminal responsibility could be limited. In this paper I will identify one justification and excuse defense. I will also explain why they are used. By reading this paper, one should have a description of the procedural safeguard that protects American Constitutional rights.
Purposes of Criminal Law Many may wonder what the purpose of Criminal law is. In my opinion, it is to protect the …show more content…
An excuse defense is to plead insanity. In order for some one to be excused by the defense of insanity, there defense attorney must prove that the defendant did not have the necessary mental capacity to be held responsible for his or her actions at the time of the crime. There are different test that could be taken to help an insanity plea. The different tests include: the M’Naughten rule, which is a right vs. wrong test; the irresistible impulse test; the Durham rule, which could also be called the products test, where the criminal act was the product of a mental defect or disease; and the substantial capacity test (Criminal Justice in Action, 2006). An example of a justification defense is to Self Defense. In order for Self Defense to be justified the defense attorney must prove that the defendant acted in a manner to defend himself or herself or they acted in the manner to defend other people, or even property. The self defense plea could also be justified if the defendant acted in the manner to prevent the commission of a crime. These are just a few examples of how self defense could be