Executive Summary Mgt 330 Week 5
Executive Summary Intuit’s management is different from the leaders in the company. The roles and responsibilities that the organizational managers and leaders play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture at Intuit changes to create a healthy work environment and increase the bottom line for profits. Evaluating the affect of globalization and management across borders is an impact on the company. Recommending at least two strategies that organizational managers and leaders can use to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. At Intuit management is very different from the leaders. Management promotes stability and leaders are about change. If that leader does not like change than that is not a position to put him or her in. At Intuit, to be a good leader he or she must show excitement when change is taking place. Management focuses on managing people and the leaders are focusing on leading people. The manager has subordinates and the leader has followers. The manager seeks objectives and the leader seeks vision. The manager plans detail and the leader sets direction. The manager has to decide and the leader facilitates the decision. Concerning power, the manager has formal authority and the leader has the personal charisma. A manager must have control over the entire process and a leader must show passion over the idea. Intuit is launching a new C-3 project and the managers go by the book regarding how it works and why it is beneficial for the company and then they have the leads that teach it to the agents who have the passion for the product. A manager wants to see an employee bring the money in and the bottom line increase and the leader wants to see the employee excited about coming in for work. A manager wants to see an action reached and a leader wants to see them him or her striving for a result. A manager wants results and a leader wants to know the employee is working to achieve that goal. All these
References: About-personal-growth.com. (2005-2010). Managers - Roles and Responsibilities.. Retrieved from http://www.about-personal-growth.com
Bateman, T., & Snell, S. (2009). Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, Eighth Edition (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Changing Minds. (2002-2010). Leadership vs. Management. Retrieved from http://changingminds.org