This story is a dialogue incorporated narrative, between Jesus and the crowd of people in the synagogue. The speech Jesus gives, beginning in verse 18, follows a chiastic structure as outlined below:
a. Jesus stands up
b. The scroll is given to him
c. He unrolls the scroll
d. “Spirit of the Lord, Lord’s favour”
c. He rolls up the scroll
b. He hands the scroll back
a. Jesus sits down
This is a technique used by Luke to emphasise the importance of this mission statement which is summarised by quotes from Isaiah 61:1-2 with an incursion from 58:6. Previously the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (4:1-14) and now he states that “the Spirit of the Lord is upon [him].” This further highlights that Jesus’ mission is driven and guided by the Holy Spirit, which links him to others who were previously driven by the Holy Spirit in Luke’s gospel including Zechariah, Simeon in the Temple and John the Baptist.
Examples of a proverb, which is a short saying about a general truth, is included in the latter