Professor Touchstone Book Review
Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg have given readers all over the world a new perspective of the story of Jesus. In their novel, Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus we learn more in depth about the Jewishness of Jesus’ life and how Israel was during his day. They help us see Jesus’ story through first century Jewish eyes. The story unfolds and becomes clearer when looking at it in this perspective and we better understand His purpose here on earth. In chapter one, we learn what it means to “sit at the feet of Rabbi Jesus.” It not only means that we are literally sitting at his feet, but it is also an idiom for learning from your rabbi. The disciples did this to be covered in the dust of their rabbi. Ann and Lois give an example through the story of Mary and Martha. They too wanted to be covered in Jesus’ dust. Mary literally sat at his feet and listened to Jesus; while Martha was too busy being distracted by other things. This helps us retune our thinking and imagine being a disciple at Jesus’ feet. In chapter two, we learn how extremely devoted the Jewish are through their religion and daily customs. The Rabbi had the most customs to uphold and their life style and goals were different from most. Jesus’ greatest goal was to raise up disciples who would carry on his teaching after he was gone. He spends his entire time on earth being a living example of God to all of his disciples.
In chapter three we see that rabbinic technique was used often in this time. Hinting to the scriptures was a popular technique used by Jesus and other Rabbis. Knowing what Jesus doesn’t say becomes just as important as what he doesn’t say. One very important technique was the Stringing of the Pearls. Jesus uses this technique often in the Bible. In the Beatitudes, Jesus puts together various scriptures to make one major point that God is faithful! Also when Jesus calls himself shepherd in John 10, he was really hinting at