Jim Dumke
Intro. OT
Exegesis #2
Jeremiah 31:23-40
This particular section of the book of Jeremiah talks about a revelation from Yahweh that entails a promise of a “new covenant” for His people Israel; one that would enable them to fully know and follow Yahweh and his commands. This vision of consolation comes despite Israel’s consistent unfaithfulness to Yahweh, and also at a time when the people are truly suffering; by way of the destruction of their land by the hands of the Babylonians (Anchor 4141). It is believed that either the prophet Jeremiah, the man by which this shocking revelation came through, or his disciple Baruch ben Neriah, who also was going through this ordeal, are believed to be the author(s) who penned this passage (Anchor 4142). Irregardless of the actual author, the message is what is of the greatest importance; which is best understood by exploring the historical background of the text, the type of writing the theme is presented through and a critical in-depth analysis of it. Even though the selected text is characterized with a promise of hope, the background of this passage is one that is wrought with much turmoil; for both the prophet Jeremiah who proclaimed it and the people of Israel who were to hear it. It is believed among scholars and historians that Jeremiah was born near the beginning of the reign of King Josiah and was raised in a sanctuary in or near Anathoth (Anchor 4135). Jeremiah was called to be a prophet, most likely when he was just a teenager, in the 13th year of the reign of Josiah; this was around 627 BCE (Anchor 4137). Around 622 BCE, when the temple scroll was found and king Josiah’s reforms ensued, Jeremiah also started his ministry preaching Yahweh’s word and centralized worship; which most likely was the causation of the closing of his Anathoth sanctuary from the rest of the priesthood who still held to the ways Manasseh; the former king who allowed worship in multiple places and to
Bibliography: Freedman, David Noel. "Jeremiah." The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1992. 4135-52. Print. Multiple. "Jeremiah." The New Interpreter 's Bible: General Articles & Introduction, Commentary, & Reflections for Each Book of the Bible, including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books. Nashville: Abingdon, 1994. 811-16. Print. Hubbard, David Allan., Glenn W. Barker, Gerald L. Keown, Pamela J. Scalise, and Thomas G. Smothers. "31: 23-40." Word Biblical Commentary: Jeremiah 26-52. Dallas, TX: Word, 1982. 126-39. Print.