Attending a university is a personal matter, so let’s get personal.
The reason I did not finish college back in 2004 was not only due to laziness. I got married and pregnant so I thought I would have a “really good excuse” to stop my higher education, stay at home for some years and take care of the child. My philosophy was, I would have all the time in the world, to go back and learn, however, I somehow forgot how time was running by.
Sooner than I could realize it, 10 years had passed and I had been divorced for 7 years. Somebody from the government, whose dog I actually trained, asked me to test dogs for the State of Bavaria. As a result, I was hired to work as a dog-assessor. Another 3 years went by and all the time, since my child was born, I thought about my missed …show more content…
I was the only one in my entire family who “failed” and did not graduate from a university. I have to admit, it scratched on my ego a lot over the past years.
Two years ago, I re-married. This time, it was a US-American, which I have known for a long time – he finally could not hear my complaining anymore and kept on telling me I should go back to school and finish what I have started. My question was, “How can I do this?”. “My son is at school, he needs his mother, I cannot sit in a classroom from 7.50am to 15.00pm after driving 200 kilometers on a daily basis to the University of Munich and then test dogs.” Day in and day out, I have to be at somebody´s home within a radius of sometimes 300 kilometers.
My next subjective problem was my age. I did not want to sit with people in an auditorium, who are half my age. Again, I have been looking for “excuses”, although I was suffering and complaining because of this