EXERCISE 3, week 1
The Grove book, exercise 3 is about identifying level of measurement: Interval/ratio. Please read exercise 3 completely, and answer the following questions. You can submit in a word document:
Exercise 3 Questions:
1. List the levels of measurement from lowest to highest.
a. Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio
2. How does level of measurement affect what types of statistical analysis can be conducted?
a. The stronger the data analysis technique that can be used to analyze the data
3. Which variables in Table I are measurement at the interval/ratio level? Which ones are measured at the nominal level? Provide a rationale for your answer.
a. Age, weight, height, BSA, and BMI are the variables that meet the criteria for interval/ratio level of measurement. This is because it the distances between the intervals are equal and there is an absolute zero point.
4. Which level of measurement, interval or ratio has a zero that does not indicate an absence of the concept. Give examples of two variables that could have a zero, but the concept would not be absent (this can be any variable you select, not necessarily a variable that was used in the study).
a. Interval ratio is an example of this that has a zero that does not indicate and absence of the concept.
i. Two examples:
1. Fahrenheit and Celsius Temperature Scale
5. What is the level of measurement of the three variables in Table II (urinary bladder temperature, pulmonary artery temperature, and the urinary bladder temperature/pulmonary artery temperature gradient). If any of these variables have a true zero point, explain why this is the case.
a. Interval Level of Measurement
b. There is no true zero point because there is no such thing as an absent temperature.
6. Looking at Table II, what descriptive statistics are reported for the variables?
a. MEANs and standard deviations, Range in the prophase, postphase, and phostphase minus
7. In Table I, what level of