Absurdity according to an existentialist means life has no meaning or ultimate purpose, humans need to make sense and have purpose. Throughout The Stranger Meursault experiences many absurd act, for instance “Gentleman of the jury, the day after his mother’s death, this man was out swimming, starting up a dubious liaison, and going to the movies, a comedy for laughs. I have nothing further to say.” A lawyer persecuting Meursault speaks to the Jury of Meursault’s case about what Meursault was doing after his mother’s death rather than the crime Meursault actually committed. This is absurd because the man is talking about how Meursault feels and acts after the death of his mother rather than what Meursault did and why he did it. Another instance where absurdity is seen in the story is when Meursault receives a telegram about his mother “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home; ‘Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.’ That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday.” Absurdity is shown here because Meursault does not know when his mother …show more content…
Absurdity is present by having Meursault judged based on his actions before a crime rather than the crime, and Meursault’s emotions and how he shows his emotions, which is abnormal in society. Death has been a center point in the story, whether it was Meursault’s mother or the death of the Arab death was always present. The passions and emotions throughout the story are authentic with Meursault expressing himself without society telling him what to