1. Introduction. Youth is the golden stage of life. Only young generation can take the challenge to face any kind of difficulties. Because they believe in their strength and power of youth. They do not loose their heart and work with patience; sincere efforts and hard work have got reward of its own. So young generation plays a vital role to maintain the peace in our daily life.
Army is such a institution who wants the spirit of youth. Officers in Bangladesh Army are the main engine of this prestigious institution. It always demand challenging, intelligent, qualified, handworkers, skilled and honest people. They are highly materiel and loyal to the senior. They always obey the rules and regulation of Army. Any time, any where they can go for the sack of country.
Young officers are the fuel of our Army. The never allow the train to stop. Wherever in natural disaster, Political unrest and any unfavorable situation they always decide the people. They are for peace. They are the symbol of peace. They have laid down their lius to bring peace in the world through UN mission. They are devoted for the country.
2. Aim. The aim of this essay is to give an idea about the expectation of our Army from young officer’s .
3. Scope. I’m going to brief on following topics . - The young officer - Basic Fundamentals for Young Officers. - Performance of Duty. - An officer’s Duty to Himself. - Hardship for Nation Building - Role during Natural Calamities - Hardship in Different Courses - Hardship for Unit Competition - Maintain Peace in the World - Conclusion
4. The Young Officer . The initial 6-8 years of service of a young officer are preparatory. He has to swallow everything that he comes across. He attends compulsory course, remains attached with his men, knows them and remains at their scrutiny, reads widely and works endlessly for the unit. He can afford to make genuine mistakes, not