To use an electronics lab, it is necessary to become familiar with some typical equipments and components, to reduce the accident and damaging the equipments. So the experiment will be accomplished with the right result and everything still in one peace.
Objective: • To be familiar and understandings the operation of the basic components and equipments in electronics lab. • To know the color code of the resistor.
Theory: Resistor is a common components use in electronics lab. Resistors come in various shapes and sizes. The larger the physical size, the greater the wattage ratting. Therefore, it is important to know the exactly value for each resistor by its code color before using it. Analogue Multimeter, every electronic lab has different types of meters. However, there are some basic meters that are common and may appear to be different only because they are made by different manufacturers, analogue Multimeter must be able to measure dc and ac voltage, dc current and resistance. The oscilloscope graphs the instantaneous value of voltage versus time on the screen. The main usage of oscilloscope is to view the alternating current or ac waveform, so that waveform measurement can be made. The screen of the scope is divided by reticules into ten horizontal divisions and eight vertical divisions. Each major division is divided into 5 minor divisions. The vertical axis on the screen is the voltage scale and horizontal axis is the time scale. The oscilloscope in the labs is dual-channel. This means that you can display two waveforms from two different inputs on the screen at the same time. The oscilloscope is the only device that permits direct measurement of peak-to-peak values on any shape of waveform. It is important to realize that the oscilloscope cannot change the waveform; it only changes the view of the waveform.
Apparatus/Method: • Resistor: 330, 680,