Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, or CMOS, is a widely used type of semiconductor. CMOS semiconductors use both NMOS(negative polarity) and PMOS(positive polarity) circuits. Since only one of the circuit types is on at any given time, CMOS chips require less power than chips using just one type of transistor. This feature makes them convenient for use in battery-powered devices such as laptops. Personal computers also contain a small amount of battery-powered CMOS memory to hold the date, time, and the system setup parameters. To access the CMOS on most computers, press the delete key as the computer is booting.…
In the early morning, there was a hit-and run accident that left the driver dead, and his girlfriend in a coma. I need to figure out if this was an accident and if there was alcohol involoved in the crash. There are 3 possible suspects, and with the evidence I have, I need to figure out which one of the 3 - the teammate, exgirlfriend, and housekeeper - killed Cody.…
100 mL of water is already in the calorimeter. Use the density of water at 25°C (0.998 g/mL) to…
Procedure: Using distilled water, premeasured containers and objects determine displacement of fluids and density of objects. Use ice and heat measure temperatures in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.…
Unit Five: Lab Assignment #1 1. How does Newton's law apply to a company's brand? Explain, citing at least one example. A= The more massive a brand the more force it need to change its position. 2.…
3. List whether each of the following substances was positive or negative for starch, as indicated by using iodine. (7 points)…
Explain what happens to the G-force as the speed of the centrifuge increases. The G-force increases as the speed of the centrifuge increases. Which is likely the best speed to separate the components of this soil sample? Why? The best speed to seperate the components of this soil sample would be 5000 rpm because there are only two layers so the soil is more separate in that speed. Describe in which layers you are likely to find the organic matter, gravel, sand, silt, and clay at the following speeds: 5000 rpm 15000 rpm The layer you are likely to find the organic matter, gravel, sand, silt, and clay is 15000 rpm because there are five layers so you will find…
Two ways that Scientist may study and find the interior of the Earth are with Meteorites and Magnetic Fields. The scientist may use meteorites to discover the interior of the Earth's earlier solar system by studying the meteorites that arrived on the Earth. The scientist might use magnetic fields by the science advances which involves measuring the ocean and coming up with a hypothesis. Therefore, the meteorites and the magnetic fields all help scientist discover the interior of the Earth.…
In order to prove this, I conducted a lab to determine the solubility, conductivity, and melting point of each substance. First, I made sure to obtain a Bunsen burner, evaporating dish, ethanol, the four substances, distilled water, conductivity probe, wash bottles, test tubes, and a beaker. I made sure the materials were cleaned to…
The Lab One was done on Laboratory Techniques and Measurements. The first experiment with my Lab partner; we got opportunity to experiment how to conduct measurements in length by using metric conversion. We started in cm units and changed into mm by x10, and moving decimal point x1 to right. To find in meter we moved from cm to meter two decimal points to the left or double check our self divided by 100 and all records in data table 1. The second experiment was to measure temperature of how cold and hot tap water can be by using thermometer in Celsius units. From this experiment, gained knowledge that tab water doesn’t boil to 100 Celsius related to containing different elements and salts it boiled up to 74 Celsius in five minutes of boiling. Our understanding that only pure water boils up to 100 Celsius. Also, the longer it boils the higher the increase temperature and evaporation occurs; this recorder under data 2. The third we were able to conduct Volume of how much drops and volume of water can hold thin-stemmed pipet, this recorded under data 3. Then we moved to data 4 for mass measurement, it was estimating 7 objects by holding to objects, and obtaining actual mass using a digital scale and recorded in grams. The last few objects, we got closer with estimated mass to actual mass do to more experiments. The data 5 able to get knowledge of density by using digital scale and common products salt and isopropyl alcohol; we gain from this experiment, that more saturated solution the higher it mass. After we used irregular objects metal bolt and magnet to find a density and used displacement method, it recorded under data 6; by using the formula density equal to the mass of its volume. The 7th data using Archimedes’ Method, noted that using irregular objects by dropping them in water we got greater volume results then displacement water, also the tie of a string gives more mass to object. Some…
Q1. Which tool or technique from the above list would be most effective for a…
Note: The software does calculate and summarise these pressures in the results spreadsheet but they might not be correct so check!…
1. Name at least three ways our culture would be different if we had no myths and legends. Do you think life would be better, the same, or worse?…
A. Complete this chart by filling in the information for each civilization as explained in the assignment.…
I can recall a time where I had to maintain focus and persistence in spite of obstacles that I was facing at the time. This is in fact, in recent history as I was going through a combination of events that seems to have come out of nowhere. I am a full time student, and set to graduate in two quarters. Around the end of Spring quarter and beginning of the Summer Quarter, I lost my job. In addition to that, I was the nearing the end of a long term relationship. Not to mention, it is the start of the Summer! I had to motivation to continue in my education. My main focus was to find work. Money that I had saved up was fading, and fading fast. What makes matters worse, I was unable to receive unemployment. I knew that I needed to find a job soon. So as you can imagine, that last thing on my mind is getting my education, much less finishing up the summer quarter. But, with all that was going on I’m my life, and the combination of emotions and feelings coming and going in my head, I know that I did not come this far to quit now. If I can compare those feeling to a football season, then it would be similar in many ways. All the hard work, injuries, fatigue, blood, and sweat that was endured during the regular season and playoffs, just to give up and fold during the Super Bowl is not an option. In conclusion, I did maintain focus and I made it through the summer quarter, but barely. It was not very pretty, in fact was my worst quarter in my time in school, but nevertheless, I made it through. I also started a new job that pays well. And as far as that relationship, well, let’s just say I’ve already moved to bigger and better things. And so far so good.…