Unit 7 Assignment 1
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, or CMOS, is a widely used type of semiconductor. CMOS semiconductors use both NMOS(negative polarity) and PMOS(positive polarity) circuits. Since only one of the circuit types is on at any given time, CMOS chips require less power than chips using just one type of transistor. This feature makes them convenient for use in battery-powered devices such as laptops. Personal computers also contain a small amount of battery-powered CMOS memory to hold the date, time, and the system setup parameters. To access the CMOS on most computers, press the delete key as the computer is booting.
CMOS has made changes over the years. CMOS memory has been changed from analog to digital. Another important change is the speed has increased. CMOS has also made changes in regards to noise reduction.
In regards to size, CMOS memory has remained relatively unchanged over the years. It is only required to hold the basic boot settings for the system and so there was no need to increase the memory size. However, the size of the CMOS memory changes on the way it is set. Memory has the ability to be added or reduced from the computer.
The CMOS still utilizes RAM but it is being rapidly replaced with EEPROM in today’s time. EEPROM is a small chip that data can be written and re-written to with codes.
Unit 7 Lab
a. Acer: ALT + F10
b. Dell: CTRL + F11 or F8
c. HP: F10, ESC, F1, F2, F9, F10, or F11
d. Lenovo: F2
e. Asus: ESC or F9
f. Compaq: F10 or F1 key repeatedly
g. Sony: F10
2. POST Beep Codes
a. Ami Bios Video Error – 6 short
b. AWARD BIOS Video error – 1 long, 2 short
c. IBM BIOS – No beeps, Continous or repeating short beeps
i. Motherboard Issue – one long beep and one short beep