1. Introduction
Vectors play an important role in many aspects of our everyday lives or of one’s daily routine. It is a mathematical quantity that has both a magnitude and direction. A vector is what is needed to "carry" the point A to the point B; the Latin word vector means "carrier". The study of vectors had gone through a lot of revisions, starting from the 19th century where mathematicians used geometrical representations for complex numbers. Lots of changes and multiple varieties of altering were conducted to this study, which led to the discovery of the vector that we all know today. Operations on vectors are also made possible through time. Addition of vectors was clarified and can now be done in different ways. Vector addition in a graphical way can use the polygon method and the parallelogram method. Analytically, a vector addition can
be done through the use of trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent as well as their inverses) or the component method.
In our times, vectors are used for the construction of buildings and houses to make sure that they are stable. One of the most practical is by searching for the TV reception because the nearer the TV satellite with the signal the clearer we view our channels. This experiment will be helpful in determining the resultant displacement by component method, parallelogram method and polygon method and to show that vector
References: [1] S. Simons. 1970. Vector Analysis for Mathematicians, Scientists and Engineers. Second edition. Pegamon Press, London. [2] L. Marder. 1972. Vector Fields. George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London. [3] H. Lass. Vector and Tensor Analysis. Phoenix Press, Quezon City, Philippines. [4] MIT OpenCourseware. Cartesian Coordinates and Vectors. Obtained July 8, 2013 from the MIT OpenCourseware site.