Section: Civil Engineering 1-19 Date Performed: July 27 , 2013
Group No.: 3 Date Submitted: August 3 , 2013
The objective of this experiment was to resolve a given sample into its components by paper chromatography, to evaluate the retention factor of each component in the sample and to compare the relative solubility of the various components of a mixture of colors in a given solvent.
To prepare for the experiment, place solvent into a test tube, so that the level of solution is about 2 cm from the bottom. Stopper the test tube and label it as "eluting chamber".
To start the experiment one must prepare a strip of chromatographic paper and draw a light line with a pencil, then apply a small spot of a pen to be analyzed at the center of the line. Allow it to dry then make another application. Insert the dried spotted paper carefully into the chamber in a way that only the tip of the paper touches the solvent and not the spot. when the solvent has almost reached the top of the paper, remove it from the tube and mark the solvent front with a pencil.
1. Make a sketch of your chromatogram and label the components together with the solvent font
2. How many color components did you get? What are those?
There are five colors for ethanol and these are light green, blue, purple, orange, and yellow, while solvent have four and these are pink, purple, charcoal, and green.
3. Measure the distance traveled by the solvent and the distance traeled by each of the color component.
4. Solve the retention factor value of each color component
Distance of Component Retention Factor A. Ethanol
a.) Light Green 3.8 cm 0.43 b.) Blue 5.8 cm 0.65 c.) Purple 6.3 cm 0.71 d.) Orange 8.1 cm 0.91 e.) Yellow 8.9 cm 1.00
B. Solvent
References: 1. Faculty of Engineering. (2013). General Chemistry I Laboratory Manual. Manila: University of Santo Tomas p. 41-43.