Discuss how Australian government improves the lives of Aboriginal nowadays and how this promotes Australian cultural diversity.
Aboriginals are indigenous Australians and their ancestors were the earliest humans who occupied Australia. They lived in Australia before British colonization. (Morten Rasmussen et al., 2011) They have the oldest ongoing culture in the world and they could adapt and change with the environment. World’s first usage of stones was invented by Aborigines. They have rich cultural heritage such as beautiful paintings and rock arts. (ACME, 2015) However, the situation of Aboriginals dropped since colonists arrived and got even worse from 1910.
The government used not to believe in the future of …show more content…
Aborigines and took Aboriginal children away from their homes. They believed that Aboriginal children would not be educated properly by their parents and it would be better if the Aboriginal children were raised up by white families. They also ignored the traits of Aboriginals and taught children to reject their Aboriginal cultures. They forced Aboriginal children to fit into white societies. As a result, the children left with trauma and Indigenous culture faced discontinuity.
Fortunately, the government members realized their actions and policies were wrong and Kevin Michael Rudd, who was the Prime Minister of Australia, formally apologized to the Stolen Generations and their families on 13 February 2008.
This was an acknowledgment of the past and a commitment to the future that the government would respect Aboriginals and minimize the gap between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals. (Korff,2017)
This essay focuses on how Aboriginal lives varied after the 1970s by arguing that the government played a significant role when achieving better qualities of Aboriginal lives nowadays. The government considers indigenous affairs as national priority and implements Indigenous Advancement Strategy which consolidates beneficial programmes targeting Aboriginals. I argue they do this to promote cultural diversity in Australia.
To explore three key priorities to improve lives of Aboriginals, I first introduce how the government improved educational outcomes for Aboriginals and then talk about how they ensured and supported Aboriginals’ economic participation. Thirdly, I present how the government grew the healthy and safe community.
In this section, the discussion points to the government’ effort on improving educational outcomes for
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is getting children from remote areas to school. It implemented Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) which is designed to increase school attendance levels in remote communities. Firstly, the RSAS team builds relationships with children after school and makes them talk about their experience of class, family issues and barriers to school attendance. To put it another way, this connection helps RSAS understand the problems of Aboriginal children and enables them to offer support to Aboriginal children. For instance, devising appropriate solutions. (O’Brien Rich Research Group, 2016a) Similarly, the RSAS team cooperates with the school including sharing information. To give an illustration, contacting with families and understanding why a child is away could reduce inexplicable absences and better targeting efforts. For example, the RSAS team members could immediately notice those children who are away and bring them to school. (O’Brien Rich Research Group, 2016b) Additionally, RSAS team members help Aboriginal students engage with courses. RSAS members are role models for Aboriginal children and they help them to find solutions because they are familiar to them. That is to say, they have a good influence in the classroom. (O’Brien Rich Research Group, 2016c) As a conclusion, I believe that the government’s effort on education helps Aborigines keep culture strong and let them share stories about their culture.
The next section is concerned with the issue of the government’ effort on involving Aboriginals in national economy equally.
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet allocates the budget on several policies which would be beneficial to Aboriginals and increase their employment. First, the Indigenous Business Sector Strategy is targeting Aboriginal business. To clarify, this ten-year plan provides financial support to promote great ideas about business and supports Aborigines’ needs. More specifically, it delivers help to Aborigines to assist them in starting a new business. Second, with the support of the Community Development Programme, the remote Aboriginal job hunters could develop skills and make achievements to their communities. For instance, the government would provide job counseling and assistance in coming months. (Department of the prime minister and cabinet, 2017a) Furthermore, there is an additional investment for Indigenous Rangers strategy. This investment would offer more opportunities Aborigines and increase their management of the country. Specifically, this strategy supports Aborigines to build their technical skills by registered training and support them with wider career pathways. (Coalition government, 2017) Moreover, Vocational Training and Employment Centre is assisting Aborigines to have a steady income. It could provide Aborigines with guaranteed job and enhance performance management. It also supports them into work and through employment. (Department of the prime minister and cabinet, 2016) As a last note, I propose self-sufficient Aboriginal business not only empowers Aboriginals but also contributes to the growth of Australian economy.
The third section examines how the government assures that aboriginals have safe and healthy living conditions.
Alcohol and other drug abuse are the main causes of lack of security in Aboriginal communities. However, the Department of the Prime Minister provides funding to improve their safety. For example, it offers service including alcohol and drug treatment which would reduce the demand for alcohol or other substances. On the other hand, Aboriginals have a significantly higher tendency of valency which leads to high incarceration rate. To address this issue, the Department if Prime Minister funds services aim to possible criminal behavior and support victims in recovering. This includes successfully transitions of prisoners and comprehensive counseling for victims. (Department of the prime minister and cabinet, 2017b) Another key point to remember is that Aboriginal suicide is a significant health concern for Australia. (Dudgeon et al., 2016a) In that case, several evaluated programs targeting Aboriginals is implementing. First, the Healing Foundation supports the treatment of Aboriginal individuals. It enables Aboriginals to participate in cultural and community life by supporting their families. (Dudgeon et al., 2016b) Second, the National StandBy Response Service is addressing the potential suicide Aboriginals. This program conducts intervention after a suicide and recently develops Critical Postvention Response(CPR). It prevents suicides by lower the suicides’ effect on the communities. (Dudgeon et al., 2016c)
Based on the ideas listed above, the conclusion that the Australian government achieved better lives for Aboriginals could be drawn. The government has clear priorities for Aboriginals as they promised and they have made sure that efforts are implemented effectively. The Indigenous Advancement Strategy is promoting a positive impact on aboriginal education and has pleasant outcomes. And this strategy is also bettering the lives of the communities owing to it is effectively allowing Aboriginals participating in the economy and supporting them to be treated preferentially. Furthermore, the strategy is keeping Aboriginals safe from harm or violence and is closing the health gap between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals.
Despite there was a dark chapter that the government forced Aboriginal children leaving their original families which made irretrievable bad effects on people who were stolen and who gave birth to these children. The stolen generation grew with loneliness and they were confused with their identities and lost their religious beliefs. The birth parents suffered too because they had given up their child and only could get a pillow instead. (Korff,2017)
As can be seen, the government is making progress and committing to better lives for Aboriginals. It includes Aboriginals in the benefits of society and economic life. This shows that Australia is a multicultural country because the government instead of keeping assimilating Aboriginals into white society, it legally acknowledged their special identities. The Indigenous Advancement Strategy not only provides aboriginals with basic security but also promotes the protection to their cultures. And the heritage and the development contributes to multicultural society as well.