The changing climate has resulted in poor harvests and famine. The period from 1300 to 1800 is referred to as the “little ice age,” as it was the period of climate change for the worse; becoming colder and wetter. This ultimately led to the destruction of the crops that were essential to society.
What was the name of the plague that devastated Europe in the 14th century?
“Black Death” was the name of the plague that devastated Europe.
How did this plague spread?
The plague normally affected rats and was passed through the fleas that lived on them. Fleas drank the blood of the infected rats, and then passed the plague to the next rat they bit. At a certain point, when most rats had been killed, the fleas jumped from …show more content…
The development of the English parliament evolved and increased in importance during the 14th century. In the English Parliament, Spanish and German deliberative practices were implemented into the representative assemblies. The English Parliament was much needed for Edward III’s constant need for money to pay for the war.
What were the two greatest problems for the French monarchy in the 14th century?
In France, many soldiers and civilians had been killed and hundreds of thousands of acres of rich farmland had been ruined. This destroyed the rural economy. These losses worsened the losses caused by the plague. The war disrupted trade and the great trade fairs which resulted in the French's participation in international commerce to greatly decline.
Where was the Holy Roman Empire located geographically and what was it composed of?
The Holy Roman Empire was located in central/western Europe and was composed of countries that can today be identified as Italy, France, and Germany.
How was 14th century Italy politically organized and how did it differ from France and