ID: This is the part of the personality that is instinctive and follows the needs of the body i.e a baby crying for feeding because they need to be fed, no matter how tiring or annoying the caregiver may be.
Ego: This is the ‘planning’ part of a personality, the part that works out what is needed and how to get it. A child waiting to be given a biscuit rather than just taking one for example, has worked out that his needs are going to be met either way but if he waits, he will probably get one sooner than if he was just to take one and then be admonished and be made to wait for it.
Superego: This is a late developer! This is also linked to conscience. Conscience will punish the ego if it believes it is wrong - which leads to guilt.
Links to current practise- Freud has taken some …show more content…
Facial expressions cannot be interpreted, subtle language and tone of voice will not be picked up. The child may be very rigid in their day to day habits meaning they are unable to play freely with other children as it does not ‘fit’ with their usual routine. Conversely, children with Autism may have one subject they excel in and may be above expected development levels.
Physical/Cerebal Palsy – Children with disability have trouble with movement and co-ordination meaning they will have delay with their physical development but not learning development. They may not be able to play with other children and this may cause issues with social development if they feel frustrated they are not able to ‘join