Here is my explanation of the six assessment methods that I would choose that work well in my own specialism. Having watch these being delivered on our employability courses I feel these are the ones that work the best with our range of learners.
A well written project will help the learner provide evidence of knowledge and skills” Ann Gravells 2008
On the employability courses we find observation is a good way to assess skills and attitudes. Observing your learners enables us to see just how well they are doing. The activity for this would be in the shape of team building exercise, like bridge building with materials they get from ourselves. This method is formative assessment.
With collaborative group work you can also observe group work and presentations; this can encourage learners to give peer feedback .you would need to make a decision as to the contribution of each learner if there work was part of a group activity. Such as their group project were this would come under summative assessment because they start this at the beginning of the course and give a group presentation at the end.
We also use self-assessment this involves the learner assessing their own progress during the course but our learners will have to fully understand the assessment criteria, and how to be fair and objective with their judgements, this comes in the shape of constructive feedback we leave in there workbook then the learners respond with there’s and this would be ongoing summative assessment.
The initial assessment is used at the beginning before any course starts. This would determine the learner’s needs and ability’s and their learning style through doing an enrolment form to literacy and numeracy tests ,vark and skills scan questionnaire this would be an initial assessment.
Role play is when we get the learners to interact with each other through a task. We split the learners into two’s