Section 1: setting the context
Describe the two learners you are going to be using for the case study and the programme which you are assessing. These can be learners you have actually worked with, or learners who you imagine you would work with, or a composite of learners you have known. If they are different from each other, this allows you to provide more evidence as you explain how you will adapt to each.
Explain the assessment strategy that applies to the programme that you would be assessing, including any specific requirements for assessors e.g. to have a Level 3 qualification in the subject yourself.
Section 2: planning assessment
Outline the planning process you follow with the two learners, including
• the information that you need to give to the learners (and to anyone else involved in the process)
• information that you will need from the learner
• how and why you involve the learner in the planning process
• which standards/criteria are to be assessed (e.g. a module, unit, award) and whether the assessment is initial, formative or summative
• the assessment methods you plan to use
• how you will make the assessment as holistic as possible
• any risks that you need to consider and actions taken to minimise those risks
• any adaptations you may make to the assessment to take account of the individual needs of the learners.
Section 3: making assessment decisions
Outline the process you use to make assessment decisions for each of the two learners, including
• the evidence you require for this programme
• how you judge whether the evidence is sufficient, authentic and current
• how you ensure that your decisions are fair, reliable, valid and made against the specified criteria
• how you record and store your assessment decisions and to whom you pass assessment information
• why it is important to