The psychoanalytic model of trauma hypothesizes that the trauma has restarted a previously inactive, interpretation links to conscious and unconscious determinates of an experience of unresolved psychological conflict. This raises whether memories can be lost and later returns but whether they are actively inhibited, keeping them out of consciousness. Freud (1923) argued that undoing of repression and recovering memory into consciousness us a major goal of therapy. Using the defence mechanisms of repression, regression, denial, reaction formation, and undoing that revival from childhood trauma. According to Freud (1923) a pre-existing conflict might be symbolically reawakened by the new traumatic event. The ego
The psychoanalytic model of trauma hypothesizes that the trauma has restarted a previously inactive, interpretation links to conscious and unconscious determinates of an experience of unresolved psychological conflict. This raises whether memories can be lost and later returns but whether they are actively inhibited, keeping them out of consciousness. Freud (1923) argued that undoing of repression and recovering memory into consciousness us a major goal of therapy. Using the defence mechanisms of repression, regression, denial, reaction formation, and undoing that revival from childhood trauma. According to Freud (1923) a pre-existing conflict might be symbolically reawakened by the new traumatic event. The ego