
Explain The Difference Between The Sequence And Rate Of Development Rate, Rate And The Rate?

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Explain The Difference Between The Sequence And Rate Of Development Rate, Rate And The Rate?
All children are unique and develop at their own rate but they tend to follow a similar pattern. There are a number of areas of development like, Physical, communication, Social, emotional, behavioural, Intellectual and moral development. Development is very rapid in the early years of a child's life and tends to slow down the older they get.
Moral development is usually adapted from the setting a child lives and would usually deem something wrong and right, based on what their parents believe is wrong or right. When a child is younger they may believe that everyone thinks the same as them and the rules and beliefs set out for them by their parents can only be right. This can change a lot whilst growing up and as they progress into young adults,
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For example, babies lifts their head up before being able to roll over or toddlers walk before running. (sb)
Rate of development is the usual time period in which milestones are expected to be reached. Every child is different and some children may reach milestones very early, whilst others may reach them a little later than their peers. For example, a toddler might start walking from 10 months, whilst another might start at 14 months.
The difference between the sequence of development and the rate of development is that the sequence is the pattern in which development occurs, whereas the rate is the time-frame in which development happens. It is important to know what the sequence and rate of development are for different age groups because if a pupil isn't reaching these milestones or developing as they should at their age, it can be detected as early as possible and the help and assistance they need can be provided. All children are different and develop at their own rate which could be earlier or later than their peers. (sb)
Physical development
0-3 years
Physical development is the fastest in this age group and babies are able to suck and move
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Boys usually start puberty at fourteen and when they are finished they tend to be a lot bigger than girls. Their voice becomes deeper and their body shape becomes different as they grow a lot taller and wider.
Both girls and boys start having body hair in different areas of their bodies including their genitals, legs and armpits. Boys develop facial hair and might also have chest hair. (sb)
Communication Development
0-3 years
Communication development begins from when a baby is first born as a baby is already familiar with their mother's voice and any other person who was always around the mother when she was pregnant. This develops to anyone around the baby a lot of the time. A baby will then start turning their head to voices they hear and smile at familiar faces or a smiling face. By six months, babies enjoy cooing and making sounds and this progresses into babbling, for example mamamama or dadadada etc. By twelve months, toddlers wave goodbye and put their arms up to be carried. At eighteen months, toddlers know how to say the names of one or two people in their family like, mama, baba or nana and can follow instructions like come here or sit down. By two years

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