ENC 3211
Instructor Okeeffe
June 29, 2013
Cheryl Pulley
Gangs started earlier than people may think. They consist of robbers, gamblers and vandalism along with the names that were foreign and goofy. Their identity can be from culture, religion even race. Irish opened up cheap corner stores to cover their illegal activities. Some people join gangs because their families, friends or some are even threaten to join. Researchers found that some members only stay for at least a year or less.
A gang is a group of people that shares a purpose or an identity. The shared identity can be based on culture, class, religion or even ethnicity (Delaney, 2006). Gangs have been around for hundreds of years. They go back as far as the early 1800’s. Their favorite crimes at that time were loitering and vandalism. After the 1920’s it was booze, gambling along with extortion. Gang bosses that were from Ireland and Italy took over the streets of New York, and Chicago. Some decided to have nicknames like “Crazy Legs, Sticky Fingers even The Nose” because they said their last names were foreign and sounded goofy. The residents of lower Manhattan, New York were native-born American and Protestants. The fate of New York changed with the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825. Among the immigrants, poor and Catholic, were the first urban ethnic group. The Irish opened up a cheap green-grocery store throughout the “ghetto neighborhood” also known as “The Five Points”. It was called that because there were five streets (Cross, Anthony, Little Water, Orange and Mulberry) once converged. The stores were no more than a front for their illegal activities (Delaney, 2006). Gang can mean different things. The group must have more than two members. It could be people you work with, a group of youths that are up to no good. It could also mean group or band. But for this report I believe that the gang meaning is people that are certain age, must share some sense of identity.
References: http://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/About/FAQ#q15 http://www.essortment.com/children-gangs-child-gang-member-material-56692.html Retrieved from Juvenile Justice Bulletin (2000) What Are the Risk Factors https://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/2000_9_2/page2.html Delaney, T. (2006) American Street Gangs Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ Retrieved from Something Awful History of Street Gangs May 16, 2013 http://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/history-street-gangs.php