The local authority must ensure that the individual has the mental capacity to understand this and should signpost them to resources and services, such as tax and payroll or a list of brokers. The individual also has the responsibility to ensure that the money from direct payments is spent appropriately; for example, this money may not be used to pay for informal care from a spouse. It is essential all stakeholders understand their own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others, so that they understand what they must do and can be accountable for their actions and decisions. It also helps to know the responsibilities of others so that any dissatisfaction with service delivery or quality can be challenged appropriately. Self-directed support is a way of redesigning the social care system so that the people who get services can take much greater control over them. Direct payments and an individual’s budget gives people who use social care the opportunity to control their
The local authority must ensure that the individual has the mental capacity to understand this and should signpost them to resources and services, such as tax and payroll or a list of brokers. The individual also has the responsibility to ensure that the money from direct payments is spent appropriately; for example, this money may not be used to pay for informal care from a spouse. It is essential all stakeholders understand their own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others, so that they understand what they must do and can be accountable for their actions and decisions. It also helps to know the responsibilities of others so that any dissatisfaction with service delivery or quality can be challenged appropriately. Self-directed support is a way of redesigning the social care system so that the people who get services can take much greater control over them. Direct payments and an individual’s budget gives people who use social care the opportunity to control their