Consent is a propositional attitude, given in the first instance not to another’s action, but to a proposition describing the action to be performed. Consent is an interactive process in which the individuals and various surrogates in case of children and specific vulnerable people autonomously agree to take part in the research in which the risks and benefits are well understood by the subject and they have the voluntary right of taking decision to entering and exiting the trial at any point. The consent in an integral part of the various codes of practice that are legislated and with time the definition was amended as per the changes to the code of practice that was universally accepted by all the rules and regulations of practice which are used to govern …show more content…
It is the main challenge to make the person understand about the comprehension and explaining the person why the participation in the trial is essential .The main challenge occurs in explaining them the medical terms and procedures that are used in the context of the research .Sometimes it is found that people do not understand the comprehension of the trial mainly in the case of research in the field of behavioural and biomedical research. This can be a major challenge in the case of resource poor settings. Some cases if the participants do not understand the comprehension about the nature of research and consent was given without understanding the nature of research. This can cause a major challenge due to consent and can cause major outrage against the trial and one should be quite careful while taking consent as this problem is more prevalent and the challenges of these scenario are very high in third world countries where subjects can be very easily influenced by external factors opposing the