Depending of culture background each stage can be lived in a different way. An example of this is how a lot of American tends to refugee themselves in work after losing a loved one. Which means they are not attempting to heal themselves by going trough the stages of grief and loss but in state getting stuck in the denial stage by ignoring the situation or keeping their minds busy. On the other hand, people from Greece and China is done my making it public and lamenting among family, neighbors and friends (O'Rourke, 2010). which can be put in the depression or even the bargaining stage where people communicate to others their wishes of how things cold of been and how they want God to give them strength to continue. Cultures have changed and traditions too but the fact that losing a loved one is along process taking different by everyone has not. Grief stages are lived differently and some people don’t even get to the point of completing all five especially the acceptance
Depending of culture background each stage can be lived in a different way. An example of this is how a lot of American tends to refugee themselves in work after losing a loved one. Which means they are not attempting to heal themselves by going trough the stages of grief and loss but in state getting stuck in the denial stage by ignoring the situation or keeping their minds busy. On the other hand, people from Greece and China is done my making it public and lamenting among family, neighbors and friends (O'Rourke, 2010). which can be put in the depression or even the bargaining stage where people communicate to others their wishes of how things cold of been and how they want God to give them strength to continue. Cultures have changed and traditions too but the fact that losing a loved one is along process taking different by everyone has not. Grief stages are lived differently and some people don’t even get to the point of completing all five especially the acceptance