The diagram above shows the four realms of causality. The outer ring involves the physical real—the realm of science or the karma of nature. Inside that is the realm of social dynamics—politics, group psychology, cultural forces and so on. Inside that we find the causal dynamics of the individual mind, their developmental history and internal workings of their personality. Usually the task of explanation stops there, but inside this, at the very core we find the spirit or the soul which is explained by the laws of karma—cause and effect relations that are carried forward, along with one’s soul from lifetime to lifetime. The spirit carries forward with it into the next lifetime all the wounds and healings all the karma, …show more content…
Most forms of existentialism emphasize freedom of choice. One is confronted, in this philosophy, with the assumption that one has shaped one’s own life with one’s own decisions and that any attempt to deny this responsibility is an act of bad faith, of a flight from one’s essential freedom. Existentialism does not include the concept of karma. This system does and introduces the startling notion that not only has one’s life been shaped by the decisions one has made in this lifetime, but that it is also shaped by decisions one has made in multiple previous lifetimes. Just like existentialism, this system too offers hope. One can always make a decision and turn things around. One does have free …show more content…
By this we mean not to jump to conclusions and lock onto one single meaning for an event or a person. In common language, we try to keep an open mind. But we can be blinded by karmas, often blinded by hate, pride and arrogance as was Satan when he refused to acknowledge humans as the Creators supreme achievement. There is a saying that the words of the Creator can be understood in four ways—three can be achieved by humans and one only by the creator. Those who say they are privy to all four meanings are fools without knowing it. The role of the professional fool is to point out the fourth unknown, to remind us, and in olden days kings and queens employed fools, that we do not know everything. In other words, that we must needs be humble.
Why is there evil in the world? This is an age old philosophical and religious question. The system of karma provides an answer. Karma states that there is direct cause and effect relation between our actions and consequences. We see this immediately when we pick up a hot pot and burn our hands. We see it in the longer term when we do not save for our retirement and find ourselves in straitened circumstances when we get old. What is harder to see is how our current situation might be affected by actions taken in previous lifetimes.
The laws of cause and effect are in place but we do not apprehend them because our perspective