There was another issue which was that the Northern states believed that slavery was against the consitiution and it should be abolished. While the Southern states wanted to keep slaves working their lands and not only wanted to keep the ones they had but get more slaves since their land were expanding. There was a lot of tension between the North and South due
to their different opinions on slavery. This caused the development of different political parties. The tension between the North and the South and the creation of different and new polilitcal parties led to Democratic Republicans becoming the Jeffersonian Repluicians and the National Repluclicans become the Whig Party. The Federalist party was dissolved as a result.
Another major issue that divided our nation was the American System. Congress debated over the national bank, federal tariffs, and federally finaced road, ports, bridges, and canal. The American System raised prices for federal land that were sold to the general public. The Second Bank of the United States was established in order to create a more serce currentcy that would help the American economic system flourish.