Without records being kept there would not be a way of gauging the standard of teaching given or how the learners are responding to the teaching. Exam results need to be looked at to see if the pass rates are acceptable, and if not why? It could be the course was too high a level for the learner or that it was badly taught.
Keeping a detailed register is required, as attendances need to be recorded so that if a learner isn’t attending the reason can be found out. It may be illness, but it could be that they are struggling with the work or that they don’t find it challenging or stimulating enough. It could also be that it clashes with another course, or healthcare, so the scheduling of the course is inappropriate. Retention figures can be seen from registers and the reasons why courses are not being completed can be acted upon.
A new or stand in teacher would have extreme difficulty taking on an existing class if they didn’t know at what stage the course was so Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans are essential.
It is always useful to know the abilities of your students so Training Records are useful, also Differentiation Sheets so that you have prior knowledge that a certain student is dyslexic, has a speech impediment, or is left handed.
ILP’s are invaluable records as both student and tutor fill in what has been achieved. They also include non-accredited achievements such as social skills and individual targets that are not recorded elsewhere.
Tracking Records record when work is handed in, what the work is, when it is marked and returned. This ensures that everyone hands in the required work, on time, that it is marked and returned promptly.
Important information can come from 1-1 tutorials where students get individual attention. It could be hearing or eyesight problem that has never been picked up before. This should always