The ground rules could be elicited from the group and written down on a flip chart board with the opportunity for the learners to respond, add more or negotiate the rules. According to Avis at al. (2007), negotiating ground rules with learners allows both teachers and learners to have a shared understanding. Moreover, negotiating ground rules with learners is to achieve mutual respect in the classroom, and involving the learners would give them ownership of the rules and make them more likely to follow them. Some good ground rules would be:
• Turn off all mobile phones
• Respect each others’ opinion
• No talking over each other
• Respecting each other
• Use your experience to help others in the group
• Try not to bring your problems to class with you
The ground rules should be reviewed with the whole group and all members should agree to. Once this is done, the results go on the wall as a display mechanism and reminder.
When the ground rules are established everybody should have an idea of what is expected of them and behave accordingly hopefully this would then lead to happy and harmonious group.
Avis J., Fisher, R., Thompson, R. 2009. Teaching in Lifelong Learning. McGraw-Hill International.
Gravells, A. 2008. Preparing to Teach in the lifelong Learning Sector. Learning matters.
Gravells, A., Simpson, S. 2008. Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Section. Learning