Always avoid salt, sugar, honey and artificial sweeteners. Try sweetening desserts with mashed banana or dried fruit puree or use of breast milk or infant.
Never coffee or tea! The tannin tea hinders the absorption of iron and caffeine is not really recommended for children.
Do not give fruit syrups or diet drinks to your baby. Artificial sweeteners are not recommended for babies and young children.
Foods that have a risk of food poisoning should be avoided. This includes soft cheese made from raw milk, liver pâté and raw eggs.
Do not give cow's milk (or goat or sheep) as a main drink until a year.
Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk, pasta, yogurt and low-fat cheeses fat. Give it always rich …show more content…
So whole milk, cheese, yogurt and cheese are important. At two years, and only if it grows properly and eat balanced, you can introduce less fatty foods. Around five years, only a third of the energy should come from fat.
How much fiber can be offered to babies and toddlers?
Be careful not to give too much fiber to babies and young children. They can quickly fill a small stomach and do not leave enough room for other more energy foods. Give your child a white mixture of bread and wholemeal bread. If your toddler regularly eats pulses and lentils as part of a vegetarian diet, make sure it also eats white bread, rice and pasta. Need ideas? Discover our creations of funny plates for toddlers.
Seven to nine months
From the seventh month, your baby has made enough progress to join the family meals. You must offer a wide range of foods to meet their nutritional needs and to get him used to taste different flavors. Good news: the list of foods to avoid shortening! If you buy small pots, you will find a range of four to seven months and another from seven months. In fact, there is no reason to prohibit a child from six months to eat food labeled seven months (it will just adjust consistency). You can now