Describe why communication, language and literacy are important to children’s learning.
Being able to communication will help children within a role play game by helping them with developing social skills, which in turn will help towards making their language skills stronger, which than help with literacy as children with a stronger understanding of language have a better chance at writing and reading. so it is important to read to them, as not only they get a story from you reading the book, but the understanding from you that you read a book from left to right and the page are turned from front to back, and also when choosing a book, choose one for the age of the child/ren, reading a book one to one is always great so if this can
happen as the child can touch, look and turn the pages and by more involved in the story.
But in order for a child to start reading you would need to start to explore the sounds and letters for example; that cat and cup start with the same letter and sound, and rhyming words like mat and rat, so playing games with sounds, letters and rhyming words can be great fun.
Mark making with flour, sand, seeds, pens etc. as they can explore the patterns they make as well as on paper by giving meaning to the marks they make which can help develop the skills for writing and develop their fine motor skills.