Finally, some colleges think that the students are not prepared enough for college if there are only four years of education
Finally, some colleges think that the students are not prepared enough for college if there are only four years of education
One main reason for why it is harder to get into four-year colleges today seems to be that more high school graduates than ever are competing for seats in the freshman class. Part of the increase is the result of immigration, but most of the growth is due to the baby boomers that demanded higher education in the decades after World War II. The problem is not just demographics, however. Application numbers have grown much faster. Important social changes have taken place as well. Not only are more students graduating from high school each year, more of them want to go to college as well. A college education is…
First, if you get lots of breaks during the year, Why not do year-round school? It also helps you because with summer when you get back to school after summer you are still in the summer mood so your not getting the things done that you usually would and that leads to bad grades on testes and quizzes witch ultimately leads to having bad grades on your report card and what people are trying to do is to have that not happen to you by having year-round school.…
High school classes should begin later in the day and end later in the day to accommodate students' natural sleep clocks, this would get them on a schedule and would also allow them to stay energized through they whole day. Schools should end later in the day so that when students get home, they won't have time to take a nap, which tend to make people stay up later then they need to. Teenagers need lots of sleep and by beginning and ending the classes later would make that a lot easier! If schools were to open up later in the day then students would pay more attention in their classes; They would be more alert and awake. Beginning schools later in the day would have a positive effect on everyone including the teachers and administration,…
School should be year round because the current public school schedule is out dated. Plus, the teachers would be able to fit more curriculum into their school year. Also, students would get short and more frequent breaks.…
School should have four days weeks because teachers get more time to prepare for the week. Kids also get more time to do homework. Teachers can get things out for the week.…
First, It hurts their overall education. Someone with only three years of might be less intelligent than someone with four years. Most people would like to go to college and that extra year can be used for dual credit courses that will help you finish college sooner. They would be losing a year’s worth of valuable info. They would be less qualified for certain jobs…
Do you want your kids to be healthy?In a year round school you have to sit in a school everyday for 8 hours in the summer rather than playing and talking with friends. I think schools should go to a 9 month school.…
One year in college isn’t going to do very much for them plus they will have to pay for college so they would be in debt. So why make them do something you wouldn’t want to do if you were in their shoes?…
There is no doubt that the school system in the United State needs some adjusting. There is a proposal of possibly extending school hours or shifting the schools into a year-round type system. There are many advantages to having the school operate in a year-round schedule as opposed to the traditional schedule as well as disadvantages. A year-round schooling system needs to be considered for the United States county wide because shorter summer breaks allow children to retain more information from the previous year, better opportunities for local businesses and graduating seniors/teenagers looking for…
Kids should go to year round school. Students should go to year round school because most families can't afford summer vacations and activities so most kids sit in bed all day playing with their electronics. The U.S is also lagging behind its fellow countries and the U.S education level is going down. Therefore kids should have year round school. Most people think that this could help kids in more than one…
Students should stay in school until they're 18 because they will get a higher education. According to the newspaper article, the National Education weekly, President Pushes States to Raise Dropout Age, New Hampshire graduation rates increase as age requirements…
Many schools want to lower their graduation requirements so more students will finish school and so others won't have the urge to dropout. Another reason why…
Did you know that people without a high school diploma only get paid an average of 19,540 dollars a year? Should students stay in school until they’re 18? People without a high school diploma have a lower income. Students who drop out of high school early have a more likelihood of becoming in jail. Some say students should help their families, but when those people grow up, you will be in the same situation. Students should stay in school until the age of 18.…
Finally, the academics are pretty big reason. The work is just too hard for the student and they fall behind in their classes.…
Without a doubt, having an extended year-round school solves the problems of traditional schooling. Students do not have the burden of remembering of all the information learned over the prior school year over the long break. Changing will also allow students to come into the next grade refreshed and ready. The…