People should be able to make their own discussion. Make they own choice. So if they want to be a doctor let them get that choice. People got different point of views of this problem. Well my point of view is that I think that serving that two years is a lil too much. Maybe the person go something else in their mind when school over.
They might miss their
family. Two years is gonna hurt them so much without contact of their parents. What happen if they mother/father died they going to regret coming to the camp. They might hurt themselves being their for a long time. Some kids only is the only child. This can hurt the parent if they get hurt or even die.
They might get killed. This kids might finish school when they is sixteen. They got an whole life ahead. So putting their life endanger is a risk. They can sue the army for endangered of a child.
I think people should not serve two years in the military because people should make their own discussion , they will miss their family, and many people will not know what to do and get killed. This is not a so good idea what happens if everybody want to do something else with their life instead of the army. We should support other people discussion . This my opinion of this problem.