
Explain Why The Pursued The Pursuing And The Tired In The Great Gatsby

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Explain Why The Pursued The Pursuing And The Tired In The Great Gatsby
On page 79 Nick mentions that the phrase “The pursued, the pursuing, and the tired” is a phrase that was stuck in his head. I like to think as these things as categories that everyone in life can fall into. Most of the people I am surrounded with fall into the pursuing category because we are all in a private school trying to graduate and be successful in life. In this story Nick encounters a lot of different people that would all fall into their own categories. There is at least one character for every one of these three categories in life. I believe that the pursued, the pursuing, and the tired was stuck in Nick’s head because there are so many different people that Nick is surrounded by that fall into these categories. For example Gatsby would fall into the pursued category because he is wealthy and has achieved a lot of his goals in life. Nick would fall into the pursuing category because he still isn’t quite where he wants to be in life and he still has a lot of experience to gain. The owl eyed man would be the tired. He mentions that he was drunk for a week,and …show more content…
It goes all the way back to Myrtle’s party. Myrtle is a character that could be qualified for either of those categories. I believe Nick doesn’t even know what he would qualify her as. Myrtle is obviously where she is right now because a guy bought her an apartment. She would not be where she is right now in life if she didn’t have good looks. Right now I would have her in the pursued category but in my opinion that could change in a heartbeat. All it takes is for her to make Tom mad and he can cut off everything with the apartment. Myrtle is the type of character character that could go from pursued to the tired very quickly. Anyone can drop down in life,but Myrtle could do it in the snap of a finger. There are characters in this book I can see dropping by the end but not as drastically as Myrtle. It could happen in any

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