There are over 12,000 diseases in the world. To eradicate a disease, it must be eliminated worldwide, and we’ve only eradicated one disease, smallpox. I think that it is impossible that in 20 years all these diseases will be eradicated. Smallpox was a horrible disease to humans. In the mid 1960’s smallpox caused 15 million cases a year and killed nearly as many as AIDS today. In 1966, there was a program to get rid of smallpox. Smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980. This means that it took us 14 years to get rid of smallpox. To summarize this, it took us 14 years to come up with a vaccine to eliminate one disease worldwide. Since there are 12,000 diseases there would have to be a lot of scientist working on those vaccines to get rid of all those …show more content…
There are only treatments for these diseases. For example, a treatment for cancer is chemo therapy. We have vaccines for things like the flu but if we don’t get those vaccines we get the flu and if we get vaccinated for the flu then why does the flu still exist. It also is the people vaults for not getting vaccinated or using antibiotics for diseases. The people that don’t get vaccinated are only spreading the flu. There are also other diseases that are sexual transmitted diseases (STD), for example AIDS is an STD. These are also uncurbable, but it is the peoples fault that they get these