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Expository Writing
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Addy G. Pieter Matos Professor: Peter Ulrich EN-109-40 Expository writing 11 march 2013 Smoking should be banned in all public places, indoors or outdoors, in all fifty states. I feel that smoking in public places, indoors or outdoors should be banned in all fifty states. Smoking not only is harming the health of smokers, but also the health of others around them, in my opinion, one of reason smoking should be banned in public places is because nonsmokers should not be forced to second hand smoke against their will. Even though it is an obvious etiquette not to smoke when surrounded by many people; a large number of smokers don’t seem to care so much about it, they are accustomed to throw the smoke towards the persons who do not smoke or in places occupied by peoples making a bad environment for the health of all around it. Smoking should be banned because is responsible for several diseases, such as cancer, long-term (chronic) respiratory diseases, and heart disease, as well as premature death. Over 440,000 people in the USA and 100,000 in the UK die because of smoking each year. According to the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), $92 billion are lost each year from lost productivity resulting from smoking-related deaths, and more than 2.4 million deaths in the USA annually, over 440,000 are caused by this toxic (MNT). A cigar with combination of nicotine and carbon monoxide create a powerful poison that finishes with the health not only of every one that lights the cigar, but also all that inhale the smoke.

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I know that the Nicotine addiction is hard to beat, much more than the people realize. Nicotine changes the structure and function of the smokers brain, when the brain stop getting the nicotine’s used to, begin feeling strong withdrawal cravings, smokers will think want a cigarette when, the brain actually wants is nicotine (Nicorrete). The addiction of this product by smokers is really strong and more difficult is to control it environment, but is possible. The government should build places where smokers can go to smoke, without it affects the health of who do not please the feeling of the smoke or his content. Smoking should be ban even in cars, because the toxic smoke is inhale in by others passengers, and the affect is 11 times more concentrated and strong according with survey by the Department of Health (DOH), last year, found that more than one in five smokers lit up in front of their children in the home or in the car. Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause new cases of asthma in children who have not previously shown symptoms. Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease affecting 1 in 13 school aged children on average, and increases the risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome as it reports The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Smokers don’t have consideration for those who do not smoke, and don’t even respect if someone is sick, a women pregnant, or there’s kids around. Good example of this is the bus stop, train station, and parks where many smokers take a spot in the surroundings or peripheries to smoke his wished cigar. According to the National Survey on Environmental Management of Asthma and Children 's Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke, said the 11% of children aged 6 years and under are exposed to ETS in their homes on a regular basis 4 or more days per week.

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I think we can work together to bring the solution to ban this unhealthy problem, with the collaboration of institutions, the government, smokers, and organizations, to build places for smokers, to force the reduction of advertising and distribution of this product around the country; I guess if the cigar market sell more electronic cigarettes which is harmless to non smokers it could be better, and the government allow only few places to distribute the brands, making harder like that to customers buy the cigar or tobacco. I know electronic cigarettes cause the same effects to the smokers, but not to the people around. The Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is concerned that electronic cigarette, cigars, or pipes may introduce young people to nicotine use which may lead to an increase in the use of conventional tobacco products with well-known, adverse, health consequences. E-cigarettes (Electronic Cigarettes) has already been banned in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Israel, and restricted and others countries as a drug (Banzhaf). In the other hand the ashes become in a big problem too, kids accidentally can eat the ash and get sick, a stub of cigar can make a fire causing the loss of life of a known being. The city also has problems consequences of the cigar, it dirties the public and private places, which costs an economic investment in employees and cleanliness for the city, it is good to remember the painful incident in which a family died when ash from a cigarette sparked a huge house fire in Putnam County that killed a local police captain, his wife and their two daughters on May 1, and the police officer 's 20-year-old son, Thomas Sullivan Jr., the lone survivor of the fire, discarded the ash in mulch near the family 's porch in Carmel, N.Y., according to the local police department. (James). Smoking should be banned because we can save so many life. Actually, Russia is one of

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the bigest countries of the world and the second largest tobacco market after China, and this year the country since June 1 going to apply the law against smokers, and smoking will be banned in schools, government buildings and a number of other public places, and next year street kiosks will be banned from selling tobacco, and advertising will also be restricted (Walker 26). If Russia can do this, why United States of America can’t. I know the tobacco and cigarettes market make a good economic impact in this country, and ban this product is going to be good for some, or bad for addicts to smoke. Several countries have been banned smoking in public places even the television advertising, why this country can’t do the same. Nowadays, young people are vulnerably to the consumption of tobacco, cigars and drugs due to the implementation of substances and modern equipments that provoke major desire or curiosity in our teens the use of the cigar, such as the hookah, electrical pipes, and cigar which contains high levels of toxic compounds, including tar, carbon monoxide, heavy metals and cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens). According with the book Smoking Risk, Perception, & Policy, smoking was the among the postulated causes of the epidemics, although other possible causal factors were also considered: air pollution for lung cancer and the chronic lung diseases, and diet for coronary heart disease. Looking in the story I found that smoking was not widely considered as a cause of obstructive lung disease until the 1950s. Astute clinicians, such as the surgeons Ochsner and DeBakey (1939), noted the preponderance of smokers among persons receiving treatment for certain diseases, including lung cancer, and postulated a causal role for cigarette smoking (Slovic 4). Smoke should be banned because harms the health, this product have carbon monoxide

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and gases destructive chemists which finishes with the figure of his consumers, creating bad smells, loss of the denture, blood problems, and the death to early ages of those who smoke in excess. There’s nothing more disagreeable that eat nearly a person smoking near your table, or your children 's playing in a park, beach, or public places near a person smoking. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), passive smoking is the exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke (SHS) which is a mixture of exhaled mainstream smoke and side stream smoke released from a smoldering cigarette or other smoking device and diluted with ambient air, this means passive smoking is second hand smoker, who suffer the consequence of health risk. Smoking in places like schools, bars, hospitals, churches, the stadiums and others should not be acceptable, and if businesses proprietors allow smoking in the place, they should make arrangements to establish a smoking area in the establishment to protect non-smokers (Mukazibera). Smoking, be it active or passive, has long term effects on almost all body systems, especially the heart and respiratory diseases and not forgetting different types of cancers. It can even affect a baby before it is born (Musiime). Other smoking-related ailments are asthma, childhood respiratory ailments, cataracts, diabetes, angina, gum disease, gangrene, impotence, loss of smell and taste, osteoporosis (in women), peripheral artery disease, pneumonia, premature aging and stomach ulcers (Habiyaremye). Smoking kills yet people fail to understand the repercussions. People may find pleasure, relaxation and even appear cool or modern for a few moments But it is your life at stake. Smoking affects in way or other, and leads to your death before you get to live your full life, Habiyaremye warned. Active smokers turn into one contaminating machines of air, which concerns long time

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the life, health, and peace of the environment, of who are expose to second hand smoke for the simple fact of inhale the smoke expelled by the smokers. For example pregnant mom’s when they smoke or are expose to smokers, sometime the newborn show poor physiological, sensory, motor and attention responses, according to a recent study published in the journal Early Human Development. Smoking during pregnancy has been linked to many different problems in infants, including learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity and even obesity. For this and many other reason we should banned smoking, to extend and save life of all the people in our country.

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Conclusion This project provide evidence and information of why smoking should be banned from United States of America, the risk, consequence, and the effects produce by the cigar, tobaccos, or pipes which been used since decades for all kind of people around the world. This product should be banned base in considerations and respect of people life, but the first step this country have to do is initiate programs against smokings in public places, restring the used of cigar or any containing for smoking out of the children’s. To place signs in all states indicating where smoking is prohibited, and establish fine to the offenders of the law, money that will help for payment of employees and the maintenance of the equipments of cleanliness. The destructive effects and factors produce by tobaccos, cigarettes, and the modern equipments take time, but when they show up is to late for quit. Teach people to appreciate their life and others life is a goal that the government have to achieve, making smokers effort to get rid of the habit. Smoking should be banned for benefit of smokers, non-smoker, because is used against the health, and help our people to have a better quality of life.

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Works Cited Medical News Today, MNT. “Why is Smoking Bad For You” Category Smoking/Quit Smoking, Article Date: 03 Mar 2011 - 5:00 PST, 10566.php Nicorrete google=content_&rotation=10697&banner=76340&kw=346735 Mail Online. “Health minister wants ban on smoking in cars to help protect children from second-hand smoke” Mar. 02 2013, 3PM article-2285366/Smoking-ban-public-places-extended-cars-protect-children-planconsidered-David-Cameron.html James, James. “Cigarettes Cause Fire.” Web. June 7, 2012. SB10001424052702303665904577453042328904050.html Banzhaf, John. “New York Moves Towards Total E-Cigarette Ban//Unanimous 125-0 Votes Follows Email From ASH.” Slovic, Paul. “Smoking Risk, Perception, & Policy.” May 23, 2001. books? id=kmUUf5n0-5cC&pg=PA40&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=f alse Pashos, Chris L., and Nancy A. Rigotti. “No-smoking laws in the United States: an analysis of state and city actions to limit smoking in public places and workplaces” JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association 266.22 (1991): 3162 Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.Pearsall, Derek. Old English and Middle English

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Poetry. London: Routledge, 1977. Print.

Mukazibera, Agnes, and Musiime, Dr. Stephenson, and Habiyaremye, Francois. “Anti-Smoking Bill Lingers in Parliament” The New Times (Kigali). July 13, 2012. http:// docLinkInd=true&risb=21_T16823269925&format=GNBFI&sort=BOOLEAN&startDo cNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T16823269929&cisb=22_T16823269928&treeMax=true&tre eWidth=0&csi=361886&docNo=18 Health-e (Cape Town), September 17, 2012, 385 words. results/docview/ docLinkInd=true&risb=21_T16823269925&format=GNBFI&sort=BOOLEAN&startDocNo=1 &resultsUrlKey=29_T16823269929&cisb=22_T16823269928&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&cs i=363678&docNo=1 United States Environmental Protection Agency, November 30, 2011, smokefree/healtheffects.html

Cited: Medical News Today, MNT. “Why is Smoking Bad For You” Category Smoking/Quit Smoking, Article Date: 03 Mar 2011 - 5:00 PST, 10566.php Nicorrete google=content_&rotation=10697&banner=76340&kw=346735 Mail Online. “Health minister wants ban on smoking in cars to help protect children from second-hand smoke” Mar. 02 2013, 3PM article-2285366/Smoking-ban-public-places-extended-cars-protect-children-planconsidered-David-Cameron.html James, James. “Cigarettes Cause Fire.” Web. June 7, 2012. SB10001424052702303665904577453042328904050.html Banzhaf, John. “New York Moves Towards Total E-Cigarette Ban//Unanimous 125-0 Votes Follows Email From ASH.” Slovic, Paul. “Smoking Risk, Perception, & Policy.” May 23, 2001. books? id=kmUUf5n0-5cC&pg=PA40&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=f alse Pashos, Chris L., and Nancy A. Rigotti. “No-smoking laws in the United States: an analysis of state and city actions to limit smoking in public places and workplaces” JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association 266.22 (1991): 3162 Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.Pearsall, Derek. Old English and Middle English Pieter 9 Poetry. London: Routledge, 1977. Print. Mukazibera, Agnes, and Musiime, Dr. Stephenson, and Habiyaremye, Francois. “Anti-Smoking Bill Lingers in Parliament” The New Times (Kigali). July 13, 2012. http:// docLinkInd=true&risb=21_T16823269925&format=GNBFI&sort=BOOLEAN&startDo cNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T16823269929&cisb=22_T16823269928&treeMax=true&tre eWidth=0&csi=361886&docNo=18 Health-e (Cape Town), September 17, 2012, 385 words. results/docview/ docLinkInd=true&risb=21_T16823269925&format=GNBFI&sort=BOOLEAN&startDocNo=1 &resultsUrlKey=29_T16823269929&cisb=22_T16823269928&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&cs i=363678&docNo=1 United States Environmental Protection Agency, November 30, 2011, smokefree/healtheffects.html

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