Does violent video games and media affect the behavior of young adults?
Word Count: 3,741
This research paper aimed to investigate how violent video games and media affect the social skills and behavior of young adults. Research support that violent video games and media affect the behavior of young adults, the research also supports that not all media and violent video games have a negative influence on individuals, some media and games made kids smarter and more social. Before any research was taken into consideration I believed that violent video games and media had a negative affect on how kids/ adolescents would act socially, however after I had done some research I found out that video games/ media has a negative affects but also a positive affects. I concluded that people, who play to many violent video games and watch violent media, would be influenced negatively. Which can be read about in the research paper. On the other hand not all video games are bad as there is proven positive effects of playing these games, like: better hand-eye coordination, improvement of learning skills, educational effects.
Word count: 170Table of Contents
Cover Page ………………………………………………………………………………….... 1
………………………………………………………………….............................. 2
Contents Page ………………………...………………………………............………………........ 3
Extended Essay
................................................................................................................................. 4-15
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................ 16-17
Do violent video games and media affect the behavior of young adults? This question has been asked many times through out the years and there has been done a lot of research to see whether or not it is true that media does affect how young adults behavior.
Bibliography: Brady, S. S., & Matthews, K. A. (2006, April). Effects of Media Violence on Health-Related Outcomes Among Young Men The Good and Bad Effects of Video Games. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2011, from Raise Smart Kid bright child, bright future database. Johnstone, D. (2011, July 11). Anders Behring Breivik and violent video games [Online forum message] September 16, 2011, from How Stuff Works database. 17, 2011, from Khor, Ing-Wei