According to the Schweitzer and Krassa (2010), “extrinsic reinforcement is a weak motivator, and intrinsic reinforcement is a key …show more content…
Intrinsic reinforcement related to personality. Intrinsic motivation is internal rewards and inside individual. Nurses have to enjoy with the educational program. Nurse educator can excite and interesting during the CEU program. Nurses do not have pressure from others. Activity and fun also types of intrinsic motivation. Some factors may increase intrinsic motivation, such as brave, domination, collaboration and competition, and admission. Intrinsic factors also like self factors, personal responsibility, and personal motivation. Nurses might have responsibility through the educational program. Nurses can improve their skills and appropriate profession and also acquire knowledge during the CEU program. Intrinsic motivation also might be appropriate factor for students in the primary and secondary schools because they need intrinsic factors during the